
Unlocking Boundless Opportunities: Globevisa Launches Singapore First Global Talent Visas One Pass

In August 2022, Singapore’s Minister of Manpower, Tan See Leng, emphasized the pivotal role of maintaining openness and strong global connections is the key to solidifying its position as a global city and thriving business hub. Building upon this vision, the Singaporean government has introduced the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (dubbed the One Pass) exclusively designed for exceptional talent. This groundbreaking initiative, which commenced accepting applications on January 1, 2023, aims to establish Singapore as an unrivaled destination for top-tier professionals seeking unparalleled opportunities on a global scale.



The One Pass program sets a new benchmark for excellence, underscoring the Singaporean government’s unwavering belief in its ability to allure top-tier talent.



Application requirements:

A fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 30,000 earned in the past year; or a confirmed offer of employment in Singapore with a minimum fixed monthly salary of SGD 30,000. International candidates (those without an existing Singapore work pass) must provide evidence of at least one year of employment in a company valued at over USD 500 million or with an annual income exceeding USD 200 million. Alternatively, demonstrating a confirmed offer of future employment in a company of comparable scale within Singapore will also be considered.


Outstanding achievements in the fields of arts and culture, sports, academia or research.

  • Arts and Culture: Provide evidence of awards in the industry, positive reviews from authoritative critics, commercial success, portfolio of works, and significant roles in international enterprises/organizations.

  • Sports: World rankings, major professional titles, or award received.

  • Academia and Research: Significant publications/patents/technological discovery or notable achievements that demonstrate the applicant’s research area’s impact on the local society. Additional points may be awarded with endorsements from local Singaporean educational institutions, official institutions, authoritative individuals, or professors.

Although the eligibility criteria for the One Pass are stringent, the Singaporean government provides additional benefits to applicants. In comparison to other work passes, which typically have a validity period of two years, the One Pass grants a five-year validity at once without the need for scoring. Additionally, unlike dependent pass holders under other work pass categories who are not allowed to work, the spouses of One Pass holders are granted the right to work. Upon the launch of this visa category, Globevisa immediately secured its first applicant, a senior executive of a publicly listed company. The application was submitted in February 2023, after all the necessary documents were prepared, the client received approval on March 20, 2023, making it one of the first approved cases of One Pass in the market.

Globevisa Client's ONEPass Approval
Globevisa Client’s ONEPass Approval
The client works in the highly sought-after and welcomed biotechnology industry in Singapore, and their company is listed in China. Globevisa provided financial reports of the listed company to demonstrate its eligibility, meeting the USD 200 million revenue requirement. The client also provided employment verification and personal income tax statements from the past year as evidence of personal income. However, these documents merely serve as proof to meet the basic requirements. What is more crucial is the detailed business development plan that we presented based on the client’s industry. Upon arriving in Singapore, the client will continue working in their original field, establish a subsidiary of the Chinese listed company in Singapore, invest substantial funds in research and development, and fulfill the One Pass renewal requirements by employing five local employees with salaries exceeding SGD 5,000 each.
Globevisa will provide comprehensive landing services through its local team in Singapore after the client’s arrival, including accompanying them to collect their pass, applying for dependent passes, and providing advice on their children’s education. Two years after the approval of the One Pass, Globevisa will assist in submitting the client’s application for Singapore permanent residency. Singapore is currently focused on attracting top-tier global talent, and various visa categories are continuously raising their thresholds. If you are considering immigrating to Singapore, it is advisable to consult us as soon as possible to seize the current favorable and lenient immigration policies.

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